Doctor Fernando Loscos

- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Zaragoza (1982-1983 academic year).
- Santiago Ramón y Cajal Extraordinary Prize of the U. Zaragoza (Course 1980-1981).
- Doctoral Thesis “Trigeminal Evoked Potentials: Patterns of Normality”. University of Zaragoza (1985). With the qualification in “apt cum laude”.
- Title of Specialist in Stomatology. University of the Basque Country (course 1985-1.986).
- ITI lecturer (International Team for Implantology).
- Director of the “Study Clubs” of ITI in Zaragoza.
- Speaker of dozens of training courses, theoretical, practical and theoretical-practical.
- Publication of works in national and international congresses.
- Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry of Huesca, University of Zaragoza since 2009.
Scientific societies:
- Member of the SEPA (Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration).
- Ex-secretary SEDCYDO (Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain).
- Fellow of Camlog Academy.
- Member of ITI (International Team For Implantology).
- Member of SEMODS (Spanish Society of Oral Sleep Medicine).
- Member SECIB (Spanish Society of Oral Surgery).
- Vice President of SECIB 2011.
- Miembro FEMEDE (Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte).
- Member FEMEDE (Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine).
- He participated in the scientific committee of the 38 SEPES meeting in 2008.