Member of BQDC
What is BQDC?
Best Quality Dental Centers is an important network of dental clinics in Spain (with presence in Europe) with a long history as individual clinics. It is a group of dental clinics that have been associated with the objective of offering the best therapeutic and assistance quality to their patients. All centers have ISO certification as an essential requirement.
The essence of Best Quality Dental Centers is based on the conviction that sharing information, clinical protocols and knowledge will make us better professionals. BQDC brings together a group of clinics that share their willingness to offer the best treatments to their patients, combined with excellence in service and the best existing technology in an organized and hygienic environment.
Currently, the association has 38 partners located in Spain and Portugal.
What objectives does BQDC pursue?
Improve the quality of care of associated dental clinics
Improve the quality of communication to patients and generate, through excellent service, the best possible experience.
Share knowledge in order to improve the practice of the profession of associated dentists.
Promote research in the field of dentistry.
Fomentar la investigación en el ámbito de la odontología.
Carry out actions to disseminate and prevent oral problems among the entire population with specific help for people with serious dental problems.
What advantages does BQDC bring to the patient?
The main benefit that patients get from our clinics is the guarantee of excellent care in oral health: quality of diagnosis and treatment, quality of treatment, quality of communication and explanations; honesty, transparency, good organization and facilities of high technological level and hygienic control.
Loscos Dental Clinic
The Loscos dental clinic has been selected as the only clinic in Aragon to become part of the prestigious and select BQDC group thanks to the effort and daily dedication of its entire team and the commitment and loyalty of its patients.
We hope this serves so that the care of our patients is the best possible, both professionally and technologically and the treatment that each of them deserves. The symbol BQDC is a pride and a seal of quality and excellence, of attention and commitment with our patients.
ITI Fellow Member
On November 12, 2013, the annual meeting of the ITI (International Team for Implantology) Board Directors took place in Basel. In it, Dr. Fernando Loscos Morató, a fellow ITI member, was named, thus promoting him on a scale superior to that of the ITI Speaker that he had previously held. It should be noted that he has been the only Spaniard to receive such an appointment, and thus passes to the select group of 42 that are between Spain and Portugal.
Being a fellow member of ITI means being a leader within the organization, remember that the most important worldwide in terms of implantology. The fellow members actively participate in the ITI, contribute to the debates and development of the issues that arise and act in pursuit of an improvement of the group.

Member of the Doctology
The Doctology web portal chooses a single doctor for each medical specialty so that each month he brings to his community all his experience with articles about his specialty.
Dr. Fernando Loscos in this way, is the reference in the stomatology specialty.

From this address you can follow the doctor’s articles:
More information about the medical selection in Zaragoza Doctología.
BQDC Certified

We have incorporated a specific quality standard for dental clinics created by Best Quality Dental Centers, an association of prestigious dental clinics in Spain and Portugal.
BQDC Certified is based on the ISO-9001 standard and is aimed at detecting areas of clinical improvement, using a tool tailored to dental clinics.
This new quality standard demonstrates the quality of our services and generates added value in our clinic that will help us to continue growing and offering the best treatments to our patients.

For years, Loscos clinic has believed in solidarity actions as a way to improve the health of the most needy, therefore, we collaborate with the Red Cross and Solidarity Dentistry.
Another work that has been done recently has been to donate a dental team in a disinterested way to the Casa Amparo residence, where dental treatments will be performed to people without resources.
More information:

At Dr. Loscos Dental Clinic, we also think about recycling, because it is our responsibility to manage the waste that is created within the work environment.
We have put our own grain of sand when starting to recycle:
We continue our efforts to reduce waste, and although the best waste is the one that does not occur, we try to reduce the amount we generate.
Quality in implants
The risks of low quality implants

The initiative covers different actions to promote quality dentistry (ensure the registration of all dentists or denounce misleading advertising among many others) and even offers a section to report cases or people to alert of bad practices.
Among the warnings of this campaign, the COEM warns us about the risks that may occur to those people who place implants of low quality. Some of the consequences are: imbalances, fractures, bone loss and infections.
Recommendations to consider when placing an implant:
- Ask your dentist what is an implant and what are the steps to follow when placing the implant. In this way you will always know in which phase of the treatment you are, and you will understand the process better..
- It requires that a dentist manipulate your prosthesis. Although it is important that there is good communication between the prosthetist and the dentist, there are certain practices that are unique to the dentist.
- Do not trust treatments that are very cheap, since they can be synonymous with poor quality, and consequently, harmful to health. The material that is used for the implants, must be of advanced technology and biocompatible, reason why the cost of the materials is elevated.
- Do not believe in lifelong treatments. The osseointegrated implants placed by a qualified dentist and made with a suitable material, have a high degree of reliability, in fact, according to a study carried out, at 15 years, more than 90% of the implants placed, both in the maxilla and mandible , they continue to work excellently. Despite this, he distrusts the publicity that guarantees life-long treatments.
- Pay special attention to your oral hygiene, since it is one of the factors that will determine the success of the implant. Your dentist will give you the instructions you should follow.
See your dentist every six months. It is especially important in the case of implants to go to the revisions, to follow up and avoid possible complications
At the Dental Clinic Loscos de Zaragoza, we support the campaign “Your mouth is not on sale” and we fight to promote quality dentistry, since it is what everyone deserves.
Your mouth is not on sale
From the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the I Region (COEM) has launched the campaign “Your mouth is not on offer” to protect patients and raise awareness of the importance of demanding good oral care and help promote a quality dentistry.
The objective of this campaign is to achieve a good quality of care for the benefit of patients and avoid bad practices that may involve harm to him, as well as a risk to his health. There are three fundamental aspects that stand out such as:
1) No to the intrusive
2) Not at low quality
3) No to misleading advertising
To obtain more detailed information on everything that is exposed and explained in this campaign, you can see the following link www.coem.org.es
From Loscos Dental Clinic we want to echo this campaign and collaborate as much as possible in it. We have always defended and believed in the continuous training of our staff, in offering a high quality treatment and of course in providing any type of information in the clearest and most concise way.