Conservative dentistry

What is Conservative Dentistry?
The Conservative Dentistry is the branch of Dentistry that deals with the restoration of hard tissues of the tooth, without the need to extract the damaged tooth.
Generally, teeth that have been destroyed are restored for the following reasons:
- Cavities.
- Trauma
- Alterations in dental development.
This technique involves cleaning and treating damaged tissue without affecting the rest of the tooth. It is also called preventive dentistry, since it reduces the need to perform more aggressive treatments in the medium and long term, such as complex fillings or endodontics.
At Clínica Loscos we focus on minimally invasive treatments to prolong the useful life of the affected teeth. These treatments are done with a dental microscope to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Composite restorations
Composite restorations serve to improve the functionality and aesthetics of a tooth affected by caries, trauma, etc. These restorations are minimally invasive so it is not necessary to carve the tooth and perfectly mimic the natural color of the teeth.
Composite is the material we use to treat caries by filling (also known as fillings), as well as dental trauma.
Composite veneres
Dental composite veneers are a conservative treatment with which we improve the appearance of the smile in a simple, painless and minimally invasive way.
Thanks to this treatment we can replace fractured edges, increase the size of the teeth, close spaces or diastemas, correct color alterations, etc.
The main advantage of this treatment is that it is not necessary to carry out a carving of the tooth and they are placed directly on the tooth with an adhesive system.