Implant placement
The surgery, in detail
The intervention is performed in a specialized surgery room because we consider it of the utmost importance to have a sterile medium, since somehow we are introducing a metal in the patient’s head.
It is totally painless and we perform it, in addition to the corresponding local anesthesia, with conscious inhalation sedation or even with intravenous sedation performed by an anesthetist.
In the surgery room the patient is monitored at all times controlling their vital signs, even carrying out coagulation or blood glucose controls since we have the necessary equipment, also having a defibrillator, rarely necessary but which gives security.
Patient safety is one of the details that most interest us.
Placement of dental implants

DGA and ONT certificates
If necessary, for the most complex cases we apply the latest techniques in bone regeneration and we have the corresponding certificate from the autonomous community of Aragón (DGA) and the national transplant organization (ONT) that enables us to use it.
Plasma rich in growth factors
We also have the necessary material to make growth factors (PRFG), stem cells (dental pulp, adipose tissue …) and biomaterials (bone substitutes and membranes), which allow the achievement, in the cases that are necessary, of the success of the treatment.
For this reason we can do all kinds of bone reconstructions in general, such as the so-called breast elevations, in which we use ultrasonic surgery. Similarly, we use it to obtain grafts or do bone expansion.
To all this we must add a very good post-operative since we perform minimally invasive techniques and the patient in general can make a normal life from the first moment.